Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ping & Pong

Ping, Pong (aka The Wonder Twins) and their sister, Mei, were found in a box in Pflugerville at about 6 weeks old. A friend brought them to us and, while we found a home for Mei, rather quickly, we weren't able to find someone to take both boys as they were (and still are) inseparable. They're 6 now and still cuddle together. Ping was the explorer. He'd go out and look around then run back to check on Pong. Pong wasn't too interested in his surroundings if there was food available. They're still that way. Pong had to have all his teeth pulled last summer due to Stomatitus (nasty stuff - the gums become allergic to plaque and develop painful blisters - it's not SUPPOSED to be contagious, but we've had to do the same surgery on three of the cats) Pong recovered well once his teeth were removed, but he's still a bit clingy with me sometimes. I was the one who kept him eating when he was so sick and we developed a bond. Ping is very healthy, but can be short tempered sometimes - especially with kittens, but he's one of Leah's bed kitties and knows he has to behave with her.

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