Monday, May 30, 2011


Daisy was born around the first of March 2010. She was found wandering in the parking lot at an apartment complex. We named her Daisy after Granny Clampett. She may have been a tiny mite, but she had plenty of attitude! She loves to be cuddled. Her favorite spot right now is in the narrow strip between my chest and the computer keyboard. It makes it kinda hard to type, but...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Cujo is Leah's dog. He's part chihuahua, dachshound and besenji and he's a tiny thing. He was born at my folks' place and my niece asked them to keep him. She named him Cujo because he growled at her. Poor little guy kept getting beaten up by their big dogs and Leah felt sorry for him and told my dad to bring him here. When Leah called to set up his neuter surgery, she told them he was a little dog, but they were still amazed when she showed up with this little 20 pound yellow dog. He's cuddled up here with Flower and Blossom. He tolerates the cats pretty well, but fusses at them if they get too close to his food.


Zoe is my dog. She was found with a broken leg in Llano. I adopted her and brought her home. She doesn't travel well and throws up whenever we take her in the car so we keep trips to a minimum. Zoe's very good with the cats and often bathes the kittens. Boo Boo likes to play with her and she sometimes gets a little rough with him, but then he bites her and they still get along.


Taj Xue (Ta Shoe) was put into our yard by a neighbor at 4 weeks. He was hiding in among some cinderblocks and wouldn't have been found if he hadn't HOLLERED at Leah when she came home from work. She ran him by the vet - he was badly dehydrated, but some bottle feeding and cuddles and he grew up just fine. He got his first bath from my dog, Zoe. He is definitely Leah's cat. He puts up with me, but he adores her! He developed Stomatitis and had to have his teeth pulled. It was pretty scary for a while. He wouldn't eat because his mouth hurt and got down to 6 pounds before the surgery. He's fully recovered now and is a chunk at almost 15 pounds.


Nefermew was given to us by a friend who was moving and couldn't keep her. She is 8, but VERY playful - she wore out the kitten the other day. Twist ties, milk rings, you name it, she'll chase it. Her favorite toy is a string of Mardi Gras beads. She cuddles on her own terms.


Rio is our Zsa Zsa cat. She flips that tail around like a boa and doesn't like "the peasants." She was found on Easter after a party. A neighbor had been feeding her, but his wife is afraid of all cats. Rio is named after the Duran Duran song "Her Name is Rio and She Dances in the sand" - she literally dances when she walks. Rio has been known to sit on the table and fuss at me or Leah until we put ice in the water bowl. Filling the bowl isn't good enough - in the Summer, there MUST be ice.


Solo was pretty much BORN at the Lion's Den. Leah found his mama (already in labor) at a nursing home. She brought mama, Cappy, home and we made her a "nest" in the bathroom. When she hadn't given birth by the next morning. Leah took her to the vet where they tried to induce, but that didn't work either so Solo was born via C-Section. He was the only kitten so he was named Solo. By the time he was 5 months, he was as big as his mama. He was a CUTE kitten and he's a sweet cat. He developed Stomatitis so he'll have to have his teeth pulled in July.